Kaixo Mail - Email Marketing Software and Solutions

Strict No-Spam Policy

Kaixo Mail adheres to a strict zero-tolerance policy on spam and abuse. We do not allow the use of unsolicited or 3rd party lists of any kind and actively investigate all claims of abuse. Users caught sending unsolicited mail are subject to immediate account termination and loss of data.

What Is Spam?

Spam is any unwanted or unsolicited email that a user receives in their inbox. This includes rented or purchased contact lists or email addresses obtained without express permission of the owners. In addition to a significant drain on resources spam is an unwanted nuisance.

Help, I’ve Received Spam!

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! All abuse complaints are handled by our abuse deptartment within 24 hours of submission. If you beleive you have received a spam email please forward the entire message to us and we will take over to ensure the complaint is logged and handled.

Automatic “Secure Unsubscribe” Links

Secure & Safe Unsubscribing can be identified by the Secure Unsubscribe logo.

All users of the Kaixo Mail email system agree to have an unsubscribe option inserted into the bottom of their email campaigns as an immediate opt-out option should a recipient not wish to receive further communications. With links inserted automatically by the system, these unsubscribes are handled instantly and that user will not receive another piece of email from the original sender.

Permission-Based Agreement Violations

If a Kaixo Mail system user violates any of the agreed upon terms of use and sends unsolicited mail, or commits any other action deemed to be in-violation by Kaixo Mail, Kaixo Mail reserves the right to terminate, without notice, the offending user’s account and suspend all access to stored data. Repeat abusers of our network will be subject to a per transmission rate of .03 cents per transmission. Feedback from various industry sources as well as governmental agencies provide us the ability to take direct and immediate action against any user that violates can-spam or other unsolicited mailing regulations.