Kaixo Mail - Email Marketing Software and Solutions
Manage Your Lists

Import Your Contacts

Easily import one list or multiple lists at the same time, large or small. Add as many data fields as you want such as First Name, Last Name, Company, Zip and more. The Kaixo Mail import process will get rid of any duplicates you have in your list and you will get a report of successful imports once complete.

Manage Your Lists

Manage Your Contact Lists

More than one list and need more structure? Easily organize your contact lists into multiple folders. Simple create folders and use our drag and drop feature to add lists to folders.

Manage Your Lists

Segment Your Data and Build a Customer Profile

Create a segment based on a custom-field of your design, including birthdays, zip codes or historical interaction. Building customer profiles and segmenting your recipients enables you to reach groups of subscribers with more personalized information!

Manage Your Lists

View Customer Profile and Subscriber Logs

Review the complete history of your individual subscribers, including how many campaigns have been sent, and all historical data associated with the campaign. Easily edit subscriber profile information with just a few clicks.